I’m not one to focus on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) generalizations because I don’t believe one personality type can truly define someone. However, I can’t help but appreciate how those same MBTI generalizations can bring people together and help them feel understood, especially when it comes to the rare INFJ.
As the creator of a blog focused on the introvert personality type, I know how tempting it is to want to believe that MBTI results are the end-all, be-all. It’s easier than accepting that there’s no life hack that can figure out our complex mind through one measly test, let alone define someone else’s.
We’re all here to learn, connect, and do our best to understand each other. And frankly, we don’t need more introvert content that places us into small, separated boxes.
The Introverted Intuitive
I created this blog post with Carl G. Jung’s idea of the Introverted Intuitive in mind. As a result, you’ll find excerpts from a recorded interview with Carl G. Jung, the “Father of Modern Analytical Psychology” himself.
He referred to personality typing as “just sort of a skeleton to which you have to add the flesh. It is a means to an end. It only makes sense when you deal with practical situations.”
With that in mind, I’m confident there are INTJ’s, INFP’s, INTP’s, and even intuitive ambiverts (or extroverted introverts) that can relate to some, if not most of these INFJ struggles. As an INFJ myself, I hope you find these mantras helpful in your everyday life–no matter where you fall on the personality spectrum.
For The Isolated Introverted Intuitive
“What [they see] are [the] most uncommon things. [They don’t] like to talk of them if [they’re] not a fool. Because [they] would spoil [their] own game by telling what [they see]. Because people won’t understand it.” – Carl G. Jung
“They’re simply not my people”
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“I’m not the sum of how others treat me”
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“Being weird means standing out, and only those who stand out can make an impact”
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“It’s the small moments that matter”
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“I don’t deserve to feel lonely just because I enjoy being alone”
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“My reality can be recreated with intention”
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Inspired by a Shine Text
“I belong somewhere”
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“Fitting in will only prevent me from finding my people. I deserve to belong.”
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For The Misunderstood Introverted Intuitive
“When the Introverted Intuitive would speak what [they really perceive], then practically no one would understand it. [They] would be misunderstood, and so they learn to keep things to themselves.” – Carl G. Jung
“Someone else will value my intuition”
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“The ability to anticipate someone else’s needs is a gift”
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“Sensitivity is strength”
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“Vulnerability is courage”
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“To be understood is rare but to be accepted shouldn’t be”
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“Not everyone can rise to match my vulnerability”
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“I’m ‘weird’ to them because I face the truth they hide from”
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“There’s a fine line between vulnerability and manipulation. It only takes intuition to manipulate–vulnerability also requires courage.”
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“My feelings are valid”
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“If they can do something well, I can do it with more passion”
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“Being myself is the best thing I can do in this cut-throat world”
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“My biggest hero is just someone who had the courage to be themselves. One day I’ll be that hero for someone else.”
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For The Burnt Out INFJ
“They come into the presence of somebody they don’t know and suddenly they have inner images. And those inner images give them more or less complete information about the psychology of the partner. They know an important piece out of the biography of that person… and are not aware of it.” – Carl G. Jung
“Not everyone has the same heart as me”
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Inspired by a post from @cookiecat.herine
“It’s okay to take up space”
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“I deserve to take up space”
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“I don’t have to meet everyone at their level”
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“It’s not my fault the world needs more people like me”
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“The deep sadness I’m feeling just means immense happiness is around the corner”
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“Taking care of yourself is not selfish”
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“Invest in yourself and your wholeness can heal millions”
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“It’s okay to meet others where they’re at–just don’t stay there”
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“Just because someone understands me, doesn’t mean they’re willing to heal with me”
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“I am only one person–I can’t carry the weight of the world on my shoulders”
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For The Emotional INFJ
“Emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.” – Carl G. Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, “Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype” in CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. P. 179.
“I’m allowed to feel bitter”
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“To feel deeply can be intoxicating–limit to one drink per day”
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“Anger is fleeting as long as you let it be”
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“Focus on what you can control–yourself”
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“I’m allowed to feel resentment”
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“Shame is unproductive guilt–I wasn’t put on this earth to make others comfortable”
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“Mean-spirited people are speed bumps–not roadblocks”
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“I’m allowed to seek comfort”
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“To give care is to make something whole–don’t forget you deserve to be whole, too”
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For The INFJ Perfectionist
“The Introverted Intuitive has a very difficult life. Although, one of the most interesting lives. But it is difficult, often, to get into their confidence.” – Carl G. Jung
“Every day my sensitivity can heal someone–I just have to show up”
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“Give yourself the benefit of the doubt you so often give to others”
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“Competition means nothing without a care”
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“You can’t pour from an empty cup”
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“The more you show up, the less lonely people”
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“I deserve the help I so often give to others”
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“I also have needs, and that’s okay”
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“Having a plan is not always the solution”
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“Perfection is not a goal”
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“It’s okay to find strength in others”
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Are you an INFJ? If not, what’s your personality type and which mantra resonates with you the most? Comment below! I’d love to meet you all.
If you enjoyed this post on 50 INFJ Mantras to Get You Through The Day, here are some other posts you may enjoy:
- How to Not Be A Pushover – A Guide for Introverts
- Time Management Tips for Introverts to Maximize Self-Care
- Embrace Being An Introvert – 5 Ways to Let Go of Guilt That Does Not Serve You
I love this so much! I can defiantly relate to a lot of these and I’ll for sure be book marking this to reference later!
So glad you can relate! 🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to read it!
I’ve just discovered this blog and I’m already obsessed! I’ve just started university and these mantras are so incredibly comforting, especially after the anxiousness and loneliness I’ve been experiencing as an INFJ. Thank you so much, can’t wait to see more posts!
This comment makes me so happy :’) So glad you found these mantras helpful!! I’ll make sure to cover more university content now that I know you’re a reader 🙂 Thanks so much for reaching out!!
I really love this!! It made me, a 56 year old single (divorced) woman with 4 kids, feel validated. As an INFJ it seems I’m so often ignored, except when someone wants something and I’m made to feel that what I feel is….🙄… Does that emoji communicate? It’s like my kids say … it’s just mum, here she goes again as they roll their eyes.
What makes it harder for me, I think, is my history. After finally getting away from (divorcing) my secretly violent narcissistic husband after 20+ years who CONSTANTLY told me things like “you’re not good enough”, “you’ll never ….”, ” no one else will ever love you” etc etc I believe them.
Then after finally finding work and, at 39 planning a career for myself I ended up, after 3 accidents…. None of which were my fault… I ended up unable to work, in lots of pain a lot of the time and with barely enough money from the disability pension to support myself and my children. My son got me to figure out what I was, an INFJ, I’m still not sure why he wanted me to do it. But I can DO relate to almost everything in this post and am looking forward to reading more of your posts. See, I’ve gotten to a place where I feel guilty that I can’t contribute to society, it’s hard for me to help my kids, in fact have to ask them for help and that’s tough.
I’m already sensitive but when all four of my children throw me on a scrap heap and barely talk to me 10cc and can spend my day in a bath is years (if I had a bath, lol)
You, somehow, give me hope. I don’t know how because I have no hope for my future. Im not sure whether to laugh or cry at this moment. As an INFJ AND a CREATIVE and a PISCES (we are an emotional lot) I’M LOST and alone and it feels like my creativity has dried up.
BUT, I’m hoping if I read more of your blog posts I may just get a glimmer of a smile…that will be a start…something different from the tears I’ve cried, the indifference I’ve been on the receiving end of and the negativity of the one person who has offered advice.
So, THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart… Angela
Angela, thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing your story. I know how hard that must be after being married to a narcissist. Narcissists are disgusting, and I’m so glad you’re safe now. Please know that he was always wrong about you–you are enough, even with a disability pension and help from your kids. The hardest thing to do is ask for help. No narcissist will ever admit that. No able-bodied person that looks down on people with disabilities will ever admit that. And I’m glad you know that no trauma is your fault. You are an INFJ, a CREATIVE, and a lovely Pisces human being, and I’m so grateful that you stumbled upon this post and left this beautiful message for others to read and feel less alone! So THANK YOU, truly!!!
That would be amazing, thank you! 🙂
Ah I would love that! <3
Sorry, Alana! I haven’t forgot about that college post. Life has been crazy, but I want to make sure I could help in any way! Please email me at thepetiteintrovert@gmail.com or message me on IG @thepetiteintrovert any INFJ problems you’re having so we can talk it out 🙂 thanks so much for your patience!!
I am an INFJ and I love these mantras. Thank you.
I particularly relate to “I’m allowed to feel bitter” and “I’m allowed to feel resentment” at the moment because I am continually being told I am negative by certain people in my life (mostly my latest ex) when I express any of these feelings.
I am 62 and so wish I had delved into my personality type much earlier, it would have explained so much but as they say, it is never too late 🙂
I’m so glad you can find some reassurance reading these mantras 🙂 you deserve to feel whatever you feel, and you shouldn’t have to deal with guilt on top of that.
It truly is never too late–your life could always get better & your perspective more clear!
INFJ, had a weird day when I really wanted to hang out and have fun with my wonderful colleagues, but craving it so much resulted in social anxiety when I made some conversation die. I bravely kept trying to connect, but I just got weirder and sadder with each try. This means that “I belong somewhere” and “I’m allowed to seek comfort” made me all teary eyed. I’m currently seeking comfort here and I found it!