Disclaimer: This post on To All The Boys I Loved Before contains major SPOILERS!! Pin for later so you can fangirl over Lara Jean Covey after you watch To All The Boys I Loved Before on Netflix!
1. Lara Jean lives vicariously through books
Daydreaming is much safer than actually putting yourself out there, and LJ takes full advantage of it while reading “bodice rippers” as Chris puts it.
Netflix / via @multixaesthetic_
2. She’ll go on group trips, opting to stay inside with her romance novels & Korean face masks
And she’s not afraid to let her friends know it. Lara Jean is social boundaries QUEEN.
Netflix / via @tatbilbscene
3. Driving makes her feel flustered
Seriously, whose idea was it to make metal vehicles and expect people to be able to communicate? I can’t even communicate with words–how am I supposed to do it via flashing lights?!
Netflix / via @tatbilbscene
4. She likes drama–as long as it’s limited to her imagination
Too bad Kitty spilled allllll the tea.
Netflix / via @tatbilbs
5. When she was totally against the idea of meeting new people
Netflix / via @movies4ever_
6. How Lara Jean’s body language says everything she’s thinking
When you can’t find the words to say, it’s only natural your body language will do all the talking.
Netflix / via @toalltheboysscenes
7. Her relentless belief that staying home > party
But really though, how could watching Golden Girls be anything less than empowering?!
Netflix / via @xoxolarajean
- Related post: Introvert Survival Kit
8. Lara Jean expresses herself through fashion
And she’s so freaking good at it! I’m the type of introvert that wears a band shirt in hopes it’ll attract my new best friend. While Lara Jean over here is snatching Kavinsky’s heart with dem boots, ugh.
Netflix / via @ljskavinsky
9. She’s awkward af at parties and in groups
Every introvert has thought this during a social interaction: “What am I supposed to do with my hands??”
Netflix / via @itstoalltheboys
10. Lara Jean would rather fall off a roof than face an awkward social interaction
Best. Scene. Ever.
Netflix / via @tatbilbscene
11. An extrovert adopted her and remains Lara Jean’s one & only best friend
Every introvert needs books, Netflix, and at least one extroverted best friend to live vicariously through.
Netflix / via @ljskavinsky
- Related post: How to Build Lasting Friendships As An Introvert
12. She’s quiet but will not hesitate to reveal her strong opinions when asked
Some people think this introverted trait is sneaky, but really we just want to avoid conversation at all costs. I go by this mantra: if it’s really important, they’ll ask.
Netflix / via @tatbilbscene
13. Family drama is the only drama she willingly allows into her life
Until Peter Kavinsky, of course…
Netflix / via @allexcaas
14. How Lara Jean has that one ridiculously extroverted family member
That you’ll never quite understand but love with all your heart anyway.
Netflix / via @ljskavinsky
15. How she protects her feelings by keeping them to herself
Living inside our heads can get pretty cozy for introverts, and it takes a lot of pushing & prodding to get our true feelings out. Lara Jean is no exception.
Netflix / via @coveyletters
- Related post: Dating Mistakes I Made: An Introvert’s Perspective
16. How she’s perfectly okay with being invisible
The majority of To All The Boys I Loved Before is basically Lara Jean THRIVING in solitude.
Netflix / via @tatbilbs
17. How one small moment of connection can stay with her forever
Netflix / via @toalltheboysdiaries
18. Her internal panic when her one friend isn’t at school to sit at lunch with
When Chris ditched her for Subway and Lara Jean was basically a wanderer during her lunch break, I felt that.
Netflix / via @toalltheboysposts
19. Lara Jean goes out–she just rather be alone or with her family
LJ doesn’t have time for small talk and superficial conversations. Go deep or go home!
Netflix / via @toalltheboys_scenes
20. How she attracts bullies
What is it about quiet people that draws so much attention? Just leave LJ and her fire boots out ‘yo mouth, Genevieve!
Netflix / via @dailypeterk
- Related post: Bullying in The Workplace And How Introverts Can Cope
21. She doesn’t like asking for help–unless there’s some sort of social contract
Introverts learn to do everything themselves in the sole effort to avoid social interaction. But if there’s going to be any promises, it will be in writing.
Netflix / via @ljskavinsky
22. Lara Jean speaks in questions
Why is it that introverts can literally hear every conversation happening at a loud party, but when they’re talking to someone face-to-face in a silent room, they constantly need them to repeat what they said??
Netflix / via @tatbihlbfeed
23. She’s aware of all the drama around her but refuses to participate
She shut that down real quick. LJ straight killing them with kindness.
Netflix / via @tatbilbscene
24. She’d rather write out her feelings than say them out loud
Words are just so much easier via pen and hidden away in a teal hatbox.
Netflix / via @tatbilbs
25. How she makes sure to practice important conversations in the comfort of her room
Only introverted fools go into an awkward conversation unprepared.
Netflix / via @ncentineo_22
26. Lara Jean may be quiet but she knows how to stand up for herself
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one dying when LJ got all up in Gen’s personal space?! So proud of our girl.
Netflix / via @toalltheboys_scenes
- Related post: How to Not Be A Pushover – A Guide for Introverts
27. People assume she’s stuck-up just because she doesn’t talk much
I have a theory that people will do anything to figure us introverts out. Straight laughable since we can’t even figure ourselves out.
Netflix / via @kavinskyscenes
28. She reacts rather than instigates
All I’m saying is that the TATBILB sequel better address what Kavinsky was thinking letting Gen keep Lara Jean’s favorite scrunchie! I NEED ANSWERS!!
Netflix / via @toalltheboysfeed
29. You either know nothing or everything about her–there’s no in-between
Netflix / via @lovelettersbylarajean
30. Her bedroom is her sanctuary & a reflection of her life
Best quote of the movie right here.
Netflix / via @lanacondxr
And one bonus reason I relate to her as a petite introvert:
1. People tend to pick her up without asking
Netflix / via @itstoalltheboys
If you liked this post on To All The Boys I Loved Before, check out these related posts:
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- How to Build Lasting Friendships As An Introvert